The site www.1200corona.com (hereinafter, the “Site”) is the property of LOCERÍA COLOMBIANA S.A.S., identified with NIT 890900085-7 (hereinafter “LOCERÍA”).

Access, participation, and use of all the information contained therein, including the content, services and software provided therein (collectively referred to as the Site) is governed by the terms and conditions included below, which are understood to be known and accepted by the users of the Site (hereinafter, the “User” or the “Users”).

1. Purpose and functionality of the Site:

The Site is intended to be a source of information on the possibility of customizing the dishes produced and/or sold by LOCERÍA (the “Products”). LOCERÍA clarifies that the Site is not transactional and therefore does not allow transactions for the purchase or sale of Products or services to be carried out through it. LOCERÍA will not collect or receive payments through the Site. Users are aware that the Site is not an e-commerce or a market place.

The Site has the following functionalities:

1.1. Inform about the possibility offered by LOCERÍA to customize the Products through the workshop called 1200º Corona (the”1200º Corona Workshop”) as follows:

1.1.1. It describes what the 1200 Corona Workshop is and what is manufactured in it.

1.1.2. It contains testimonies of customer experiences from the 1200º Corona workshop (chefs, Food stylists, restaurant owners, and others). This content may include photos and/or videos of the Products and/or customers.

1.1.3. It includes photos and/or videos of the production process of the Products in the 1200º Corona Workshop.

1.2. Allows the configuration of Products using the tool provided on the Site (the “S”):

1.2.1. It facilitates the customization process for the User by allowing them with the Simulator (i) to combine predetermined shapes and textures that are part of the catalog of the 1200º Corona Workshop (the “Catalog”); (ii) visualize what the personalized Products would look like; (iii) view reference images; (iv) know the general dimensions of the Products; and (v) select the number of pieces that they would be interested in purchasing (minimum 24 pieces).

1.3. By filling out a form (the “Form”) you can request to be contacted by a commercial advisor for the purpose of receiving guidance regarding the customization of Products. When filling out the Form, the User will have the option of indicating additional needs and/or ideas related to the customization of the Product in order for them to be taken into account by the commercial advisor.

2. Product Photographs and Catalogue update.

The photographs of the Products that appear on the Site are indicative and the User should note that on each device/computer the color, appearance, textures and other attributes of the Products may vary.

LOCERÍA will update the Catalogue and other Content on the Site whenever it considers it, which is why the variables mentioned may change without prior notice and without this implying any liability to the User.

3. General conditions that must be observed when using the Site

Each User must comply with the established Terms and Conditions, as well as with applicable legislation while using the Site. Among others, you must observe the following general conditions:

I. The User may not distribute, modify, copy, transmit, display, use, reproduce, publish, grant licenses, create derivative works, assign, transfer, sell or use in any other way the content or software of the Site without the prior, express and written authorization of LOCERÍA.

II. The Site may be used for lawful purposes only. Activities involving misuse of the Site, such as falsifying the identity of a User, using purchasing agents and carrying out fraudulent activities through the Site, are prohibited.

III. Under no circumstances may the Site be used as a vehicle or medium to send or transmit any kind of information or material that may be considered illegal, false, misleading, abusive, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, provocative, pornographic, irreverent, junk mail or any other information or material that may constitute a crime or that may give rise to civil liability proceedings or that could violate any other law.

IV. It is prohibited to use the Site to redirect to malicious sites or sites other than the purpose of the Site or to transmit any type of malicious software, file or program that could damage or control the operation or use of any hardware, software or cyberphysical equipment.

V. It is prohibited to restrict or prevent anyone from using the Site, as well as to disturb and interfere with the operation of the Site, the networks or servers used to make the Site available and to violate any requirement, procedure, policy or regulation of such networks.

I SAW. Any modification, adaptation, translation, reverse engineering, decompilation or disassembly of any part of the Site for use not explicitly authorized by LOCERÍA is prohibited.

4. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This site has been built and is managed by LOCERÍA, a company incorporated by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, and is therefore fully governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia. Any dispute that arises regarding the Site, its contents, operation, etc., must be processed and resolved before the judges of the Republic of Colombia in accordance with Colombian legislation.

If questions arise regarding these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site, the User should contact LOCERÍA at 1200corona@corona.com.co.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

This Site and all its content, including but not limited to all information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, fonts, music, sounds and any other material (collectively “Content”), is protected by applicable laws regarding copyrights, trademarks, patents, designs or other intellectual property rights. All Content is the property of LOCERÍA. Its total or partial reproduction, translation, inclusion, transmission, storage or access through analog, digital media or any other system or technology created or to be created, the copying, modification, deletion of the content, the transfer, sale, lease or rental, or the creation of derivative works or in any way the commercial exploitation of the Content, in total or partial, without the prior written authorization of LOCERÍA, is prohibited.

The User acknowledges that the different combinations that may be made in the process of customizing the Products correspond to combinations and possibilities previously created by LOCERÍA and are therefore their property.

By using the Site, the User accepts that all information entered through the Site (i) will not be confidential or restricted to use; and (ii) may be used by LOCERÍA for statistical purposes and any other purpose authorized by the User. Therefore, by submitting information through the Site, whether requested or not, the User authorizes LOCERÍA permanently, irrevocably and unlimitedly to the reproduction, adaptation, compilation, storage and/or distribution of the content supplied by him through the Site, without prejudice to LOCERÍA's recognition of the User's authorship of the contents provided by filling out the Form that are different from those predetermined by LOCERÍA.

The User guarantees that the contents provided that are different from those predetermined by LOCERÍA are their authorship, that they are not violating the copyrights of third parties and that they will keep LOCERÍA harmless against any claim that third parties submit on the occasion of their use.

It is clarified that links to other Internet pages, other than those of which LOCERÍA owns, are included for information purposes. LOCERÍA was not involved in its production and is therefore not responsible for its functionality and content.

6. Errors in the Contents of the Site

The information presented on this Site may contain errors, omissions, inaccuracies, be incomplete or not up to date. Therefore, LOCERÍA reserves the right to correct any error, omission or inaccuracy, change or update the contents. LOCERÍA does not accept any responsibility for damages that may result from any error, omission or inaccuracy of the information contained in this Site or from activities carried out based on it.

7. Limitation of liability

By complying with the above rules, it means that the User expressly accepts that the use of the Site is at their sole risk. Therefore, LOCERÍA will not be responsible for any damages or losses, direct or indirect, present or future, that the User or third parties may suffer, on the occasion of or on the occasion of the execution of any instruction or information contained in this Site; freeing LOCERÍA from any administrative, civil, commercial, criminal or any other kind of liability.

8. Privacy and confidentiality of information

LOCERÍA is in the interest of protecting the privacy of the User's personal information obtained through the Site, undertaking to adopt a confidentiality policy as established below.

Personal information is information provided by the User to register as a user of the Site when filling out the Form, which may include data such as: Full name, telephone number, email and city.

The User acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done on a voluntary basis and taking into account the characteristics of the Site and the powers of use by LOCERÍA, and on the understanding that such information will form part of a file and/or database containing their profile, which may be used by LOCERÍA in the terms established here and in accordance with the authorization granted by the User prior to registration on the Site. The User may modify or update the information provided at any time. LoceríAA advises that the User keep the information updated to optimize the benefit they can receive from the Site.

Despite all efforts to ensure the security and confidentiality of Site Users' information, LOCERÍA is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the improper access of third parties to the database and/or for any technical failure in the operation and/or storage of data in the Site's system.

8.1 Privacy Notice

In compliance with Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and other current and complementary regulations that regulate the matter, Corona Industrial S.A.S., its subsidiaries and subsidiaries, inform the owner of personal data that the data that has been collected or that will be collected in the future, will be used only for the purposes that have been communicated to them. The owner may exercise his right to submit requests for consultation or complaint, correction, updating (including the possibility of updating authorized contact channels) or deletion of personal data, as well as to revoke the consent granted for their processing in accordance with the law and the guidelines set out in the Data Protection Policy published on the website Www.vajillascorona.com.co, through email misdatos@corona.com.co

Note: To date, the subsidiaries and subsidiaries of Corona Industrial S.A.S. are: Compañía Colombiana de Ceramica S.A.S. — Colde Colombia S.A.S. — SumicolS.A.S., Minerales Industriales S.A., Corlanc S.A.S., Empresa Colombiana de Cementos S.A.S. — Ecoldecem S.A.S., Insumos y Agregados de Colombia S.A.S. — IAcolaggregados S.A.S., Locería Colombiana S.A.S., Electro porcelana Gamma S.A.S., Erecos Almacenes Corona S.A.S., International Dispatcher of Colombia S.A.S. — DIC S.A.S., Agromil S.A.S. and Concretos Alión S.A.S.

8.2 Database and Information

Whoever completes the Registration Form on the Site accepts that their data be incorporated into the LOCERÍA databases. In any case, the User may at any time request the removal of their personal or business information from the LOCERÍA databases, for which they must send an email to misdatos@corona.com.co. In addition, the User may request the modification of their data at any time by emailing misdatos@corona.com.co Once the information is verified, LOCERÍA will proceed to make the change on the Site.

8.3 Use of cookies

This Site uses cookies to collect information that is not personal and identifiable, which allow the User to recover preference and session information, creating a more user-friendly and personalized shopping experience and reducing the number of times the Site requests certain data again. This Site may also use other technologies to track the pages a User visits to improve the shopping experience and help us understand how visitors use this Site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User can configure their internet browser not to accept cookies.

9. Special terms of use of the site

By accessing the Site and to ensure its good and proper use, the User recognizes the following powers at the head of LOCERÍA:

I. The right to modify the Terms and Conditions of the Site at any time and for any reason without prior notice.

II. The right to modify the functionality of the Site at any time.

III. The right to keep the information entered by the User on the Site for the purpose of configuring a Product for as long as it deems appropriate.

IV. Use personal information and/or any other information provided by the User in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Site, its personal data protection policies and the authorizations that have been collected for the case.

V. The Site may contain links that refer to other Internet pages, owned by third parties. Taking into account that LOCERÍA is not responsible for the availability of such sites, the User should contact the administrator of those sites directly and use those sites in accordance with the respective terms of use.

I SAW. The User must comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Site, as well as any additional conditions established on the Site.

VII. LOCERÍA does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Site. When reasonably possible, LOCERÍA will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of the Site. LOCERÍA also does not guarantee the usefulness of the Site for carrying out any particular activity, nor its infallibility and in particular, although not exclusively, that Users can effectively use the Site, access the different web pages or sections that make up the Site.

VIII. LOCERÍA will not be responsible for damages of any nature that may result from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Site, the loss of the usefulness or trust that Users could have attributed to the Site and the services offered, to the fallibility of the Site, and in particular, but not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different web pages or sections of the Site.

IX. LOCERÍA does not control or guarantee, and therefore is not responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements in the contents of the Site that may cause alterations to the User's computer system (software and hardware) or to the electronic documents and files stored in the User's computer system.

X. LOCERÍA is in the interest of being a source of information with current content and of interest to Users. However, LOCERÍA cannot guarantee that such content is free of errors or inaccuracies, in which case any clarifications or corrections may be requested. LOCERÍA cannot guarantee that the content of the Site is sufficient and/or useful for the User.

10. User Registration and Participation

By accessing the Site and to ensure its good and proper use, the User must comply with the following:

I. Observe the Terms and Conditions and any other policies and/or conditions established on this Site.

II. Do not use this Site as a means to carry out illegal or unauthorized activities both in Colombia and in any other country.

III. Be solely responsible for your conduct and for the content of information you use or include on the Site.

IV. Refrain from sending unwanted e-mail (SPAM) to other Users of the Site, and you are also prohibited from transmitting viruses or any code of a destructive nature.

V. Channel your complaints, grievances and complaints through email


11. Security for the User

When providing their data and using the Site, the User will have appropriate security standards in terms of:

I. Encryption of the medium used to communicate the user's browser and the Web server through the SSL/TLS protocol.

II. The website has a digital certificate issued by an open certification body that guarantees that the site accessed is the site that corresponds to the URL entered in the browser and that the domain corresponds to LOCERÍA.

III. Authentication and authorization process to access restricted sections of the Site after enrollment and acceptance of terms of use and processing of personal information, if required.